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ThinkSystem SR670 Rack Server

品        牌: Lenovo
商品類別: 伺服器與工作站


Accelerating artificial intelligence performance
Either four or eight best-of-breed GPUs for accelerated performance
Scalable cluster solution for AI and HPC workloads, supporting the LiCO platform
Perfect balance of performance, density, and TCO for AI & GPU-intensive workloads
Supports high-speed Mellanox EDR InfiniBand, Intel 2x 10GbE & Intel 2x 1GbE networking
Supports standard SATA HDDs & SSDs, and M.2 boot SSDs for even greater storage flexibility 

Accelerating artificial intelligence
The Lenovo ThinkSystem SR670 delivers optimal performance for Artificial Intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing (HPC) workloads while maintaining a low total cost of ownership (TCO). The ThinkSystem SR670 allows up to either four large or eight small GPUs per 2U node, and is suited for computationally intensive workload requirements for Machine Learning (ML), Deep Learning (DL), or Inference.

Built on the latest Intel® Xeon® processor Scalable family CPUs and designed to support high-end GPUs including NVIDIA Tesla V100 or T4, the ThinkSystem SR670 delivers optimized performance for AI training and accelerated HPC workloads. Capabilities include:
Up to four full-height/full-length double-wide, or eight half height/half-length single-wide GPUs in a 2U form factor
Up to eight 2.5" SATA HDDs/SSDs and M.2 boot SSDs for storage flexibility
Support for Mellanox EDR, Intel 2x 10GbE, and Intel 2x 1GbE networking
Enabled for Lenovo Intelligent Computing Orchestration (LiCO) HPC/AI management software

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