• 精技電腦


品        號: ROG-CETRA-II-CORE
品        名: CETRA-II-CORE 入耳式耳麥
品        牌: ASUS
商品分類: 耳機麥克風


  • Innovative liquid silicone rubber (LSR) drivers provide stable speaker performance, incredibly strong bass and optimized gaming audio.
  • 90° cable connector delivers enhanced comfort for handheld gaming.
  • Lightweight metal housing offers a striking look and scratch resistance, elevating the aesthetic and durability of the exterior.
  • Ergonomic design with ultrasoft LSR ear fins and tips provide a perfectly comfortable fit.
  • 3.5 mm connector enables multiplatform support, including compatibility with mobile phones, PCs, Macs, PlayStation® 5, Xbox Series X/S and Nintendo Switch™.



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