• 精技電腦

BARCO ClickShare Bar Pro

品        號: R9861633USB2
品        名: BARCO ClickShare Bar Pro
品        牌: Barco
商品分類: 會議簡報產品


ClickShare Bar Pro

Premium video bar for engaging, effortless wireless conferencing

  • Crystal-clear, high-quality stereo audio*
  • Advanced AI-powered 4K camera
  • Wired roomdock for 4K content sharing and alternative connectivity
  • Advanced interactivity: touchback, annotation and blackboarding
  • Carbon-neutral product

Premium video bar for engaging, effortless wireless conferencing


ClickShare Bar Pro is a premium, carbon-neutral, all-in-one video bar that enables engaging, effortless wireless conferencing in medium-sized meeting rooms with any videoconferencing platform. Thanks to its advanced AV capabilities (dual screen*, 4K content sharing) and interactive features (touchback, annotation, blackboarding), it enables crystal-clear audio, sharp views and enhanced interactivity for meetings where all participants feel heard and seen. This solution offers unparalleled flexibility, allowing IT Managers to easily equip their meeting rooms. Paired with a 5-year warranty, the bar overall reduces the Total Cost of Ownership by consolidating all collaboration, audio and video functionalities into one powerful device.


尺寸 98 mm x 640 mm x 101 mm
重量 2500 gr
會議系統-集線器/連接線/電源 110/220 V AC plug or USB-C (back)
會議系統-攝影機 4K, 1080p, 720p at 30fps, 3x zoom/ePTZ, 120?FOV
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